As a celebrated cosmetic dentist in the New York City and White Plains areas, Dr. Ira Handschuh has been a frequent guest on many local and national television and radio shows.
Dr. Handschuh keeps viewers up on the latest developments in the fields of cosmetic dentistry that make getting a new smile easier than ever. In Shape Magazine, Dr. Handschuh was quoted as saying “A great smile can help open doors in love, careers, and in life.” He keeps New York residents up-to-date on trends in the cosmetic dental industry, from wedding day smile makeovers to clear braces.
Dr. Ira Handshuh has been featured on the New York Post, Beauty Watch magazine, CBS radio, Shape Magazine, “Time Out New York”, News 12 Westchester, CBS News Early Show, ABC News, The Kevin Cruise Radio Show, The Journal News, Shape Magazine, GQ, The Westchester Wag, The Westchester Jewish Chronicle, Westchester Weddings, and several others.
Dental Industry Innovations Leading to Brighter Smiles
Dr. Handschuh was quoted in an article from Tomorrow’s World Today on Oct. 1, 2024 about dental innovations like purple toothpaste.
According to Ira Handschuh, DDS, of The Dental Design Center in White Plains, NY, the effect is temporary and dissipates within a short time, returning your teeth to their original color. It’s also notable that, unlike traditional whitening techniques, this type of whitening works on both real and manufactured teeth. The technique has not earned its ADA certification, however, because it doesn’t contain fluoride.
Read the full article at
The Best Purple Toothpastes For a Brighter Smile
Dr. Handschuh was quoted in an article on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2024 on about the use of purple toothpaste to whiten teeth.
“Purple toothpaste is a temporary fix, so it will only last a few hours at best. Within a short period of time, it dissipates, and your teeth will return to their original color,” says Ira Handschuh, DDS of The Dental Design Center in White Plains, NY.
We think it’s important to note that all the dentists we interviewed about purple toothpastes don’t suggest using them for long-term whitening results. According to Dr. Handschuh, purple toothpaste doesn’t whiten your teeth permanently because it doesn’t infiltrate your teeth or remove debris and stains that results from eating and drinking. For this reason, the experts we spoke with especially don’t recommend purple toothpaste for cavity prevention or oral health.
See the full article at
9 Flossing Products to Impress the Dentist at Your Next Appointment
Dr. Handschuh was quoted in an article on August 3, 2021 on Allure about flossing and dental floss recommendations.
“Flossing is an extremely important part of preventative dental care,” says dentist Ira Handschuh, who is based in White Plains, New York.
According to Handschuh, a strong flossing routine means cleaning between teeth every single day. “I suggest that all my patients floss once per day in conjunction with brushing two to three times per day.”
“Floss usefulness is usually based on a few things,” he says. “For instance, the different types of restorations like crowns, bridges, implants, and natural teeth contact, as well as the dexterity of each individual patient to handle the floss.”
See the full article at
Misconceptions about electric toothbrushes and proper practices
Dr. Handschuh was quoted in an article on July 23, 2020 on Business Insider about electric toothbrushes.
“It’s a misconception that using an electric toothbrush will guarantee a healthy mouth,” says Dr. Handschuh. “Brushing with both manual brushes and electric brushes can be challenging, and if not used properly, can lead to gum disease advancing, potential cavities, and other oral complications. I always take the time to review the proper brushing techniques with all my patients.”
If you do decide to go with an electric toothbrush, Dr. Handschuh recommends choosing one with soft bristles — never hard.
“I always stress that you should not put too much pressure on the gums, as that can cause the gums to recede with time and even wear away tooth structure,” says Dr. Handschuh. “Many electric toothbrushes actually come with timers, so patients can monitor the length of time brushing, as well as pressure sensors to ensure patients do not damage teeth and gum tissue.”
See the full article at
5 Mouthwashes People With Good Breath Always Use
Dr. Handschuh was quoted in an article posted on January 14, 2019 on explaining what gingivitis is and how to restore gums to good health saying:
“Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums and it is reversible,” says cosmetic dentist Ira Handschuh, DDS, of The Dental Design Center. “With proper brushing, flossing, and using certain mouthwash rinses, you can easily restore your gums to good health.”
See the full article at
Oral-B Glide Floss Was Linked To PFAS Chemicals
Dr. Handschuh was quoted in an article posted on January 10, 2019 on saying:
If you’re at all nervous about these chemicals, opt for non-teflon floss or tape, Dr. Ira Handschuh, a general and cosmetic dentist in private practice at The Dental Design Center in White Plains, N.Y., tells Bustle. “All patients need to be their own best health advocates,” Dr. Handschuh says. “If there is some chemical in a product that you know might be potentially harmful, it is best to avoid that products use. However, today with all the testing and protective agencies, we like to think most products are tested and deemed safe prior to hitting the shelves,” .
He is quoted again in the article stressing the importance of flossing:
In terms of maintaining your oral health, Dr. Handschuh says not flossing is not an option. “Flossing is critical to prevent bacteria levels from elevating to harmful levels in your mouth,” he explains. “A harmful level can lead to periodontal disease, which can lead to infection and tooth loss, as well as the formation of cavities between the teeth.”
See the full article at
Oral Hygiene Overhaul: 5 Tips for a Cleaner Mouth
GQ met with Dr. Ira Handschuh, whom they said was a “dentist to the gentry of New York City and White Plains, NY”, and asked him to give tips on oral health.
In the article named “Oral Hygiene Overhaul: 5 Tips for a Cleaner Mouth” posted on on February 24, 2017, Dr. Handshuh is the only dentist they refer to. They chose to focus on 5 of his oral hygiene tips, specifically:
- Clean Your Tongue
- Stay Hydrated to Fight Bad Breath
- Use a Flouride Rinse
- Be Sure to Both Brush and Floss
- Have a Dental Exam Every 6 Months
See the full article at
21 Holiday Foods and Drinks Dentists Won’t Touch
With the holiday season approaching, Dr Handschuh was asked about the foods that can be harmful to teeth.
In the article posted on on October 26, 2016, he is quoted in 3 of the 21 foods to avoid. These are:
- High caffeine drinks (#4)
- Hard foods or foods high in sugar, such as Tootsie Rolls or lollipops (#11)
- Peanut Brittle (hard, full of sugar, and sitcky) (#14)
See for the full article.
A summary of the article was later reprinted by Fox News in their Health section at
Tricks for a Younger Smile
Dr Handschuh was quoted in an article posted on on August 26, 2016 titled 9 Anti-Aging Tricks for a Younger Smile.At the beginning of the article, he is quoted :
“As we get older, our teeth change, and often our smiles age faster than our chronological age,” says Ira Handschuh, DDS, a general and cosmetic dentist at the Dental Design Center in New York. “Aging teeth often appear darker, yellow and dull, as well as worn in length. And teeth often begin to chip and give our lips less support, which gives an aging appearance.”
He is also quoted in tip #8 about porcleain veneers:
“This is the most profound way to turn back the clock,” says Handschuh… “Porcelain veneers can correct shape, crowding, size, position, and color.”
See for the full article. Asked Dr Handschuh for Dental Guidance
Dr Handschuh was quoted in an article posted on and then republished in the New York Post on June 2 2015 and The Hamilton Spectator on September 10 2015 about 12 things a dentist can know about you by looking in your mouth. He is quoted in “#7 You have a infection”:
“A simple home test is to have a patient bend over to touch their toes. If the pressure or pain increases just by doing this, the pain is most likely not tooth-related and he should see his ENT or primary care physician before coming to the dentist,” he advises.
He is also quoted in “#9 You have diabetes”:
“Many times, imbalances in sugar will show a rapid change in the health of your gums, including increased swelling, bleeding, and sensitivity,” says Handschuh. “In conjunction, the consistency of saliva may change, and there may be increased decay. These may all be signs of sugar levels that are out of control, so dentists can alert patients to see their doctor to check for diabetes.”
See for the full article.
Dr Handschuh’s Smile Makeover Featured in New Beauty Magazine
With the patient’s permission, Dr. Handschuh’s artistic results from cosmetic dentistry were included in New Beauty’s article on Multitasking Smile Perfecters in their Summer 2013 issue.
Her before and after pictures are on the left side of the first picture below. The caption reads: “This patient’s smile makeover included teeth whitening and veneers. Procedures performed by Dr. Ira Handschuh, DDS; White Plains, NY.” Click on the image to see a larger version.
The patient’s new smile can also be found on our website page on porcelain veneers.
What Men Really Think About Your Makeup
Shape Magazine talks to 15 men (including Dr. Ira Handschuh) about what real men think about makeup.
“All three of my ladies (my wife and two teenage daughters) are naturally beautiful, so I like when they wear no makeup or just something to highlight their big, beautiful eyes… As a cosmetic dentist, it’s all about the smile to me!”
– Dr. Ira Handschuh, Cosmetic Dentist in White Plains, NY
Click here to read the full article.
Bleachorexia: When Teeth Are Never White Enough
ABC News interviews top dentists, including Dr. Handschuh, about the practice of over-using home bleaching kits.
The American obsession with dental hygiene has taken an ironic turn over the past decade. In an attempt to have the bright, white, healthy-looking smile of the stars, many consumers are bleaching their teeth into oblivion.
Dentists call this addiction to whitening “bleachorexia,” calling the overbleachers “bleach junkies.” Such patients abuse in-office and at home bleaching agents, leaving teeth eroded, prone to sensitivity and extremely unhealthy, despite their pearly white exteriors.
“The media has done a good job of making whitening sound innocuous, but it’s not,” says Dr. Ira Handschuh, a White Plains, N.Y., dentist.
Carbamide peroxide, the whitening agent in most bleaches, can irritate the gums, causing them to recede, making the teeth brittle, chalky and so thin as to be translucent at the edges when the product is overused.
Click here to read the full article.
Whiter, Brighter, Faster
The Wag Magazine
Dr. Handschuh shares tooth-whitening tips with readers of The Wag Magazine.
Click here to read the full article.
Haven’t got time for the pain
The Journal News
Using Oraquix helps reduce the pain of deep cleanings and tooth scalings
Click here to read the article about Oraquix, a new needle free anesthetic featuring Dr. Handschuh.
The evils of Halloween candy
CBS News
Dr. Handschuh divides candy into “the good, the bad, and the ugly,” with recommendations on what to do to prevent cavities in children. Better candy choices have limited sticking potential and include milk chocolate and sugarless gum. The candies that put children and adults at highest risk for cavity development (or cracking the teeth) include lollipops, gummy worms, and jawbreakers. Giving children candy at school (when they won’t be able to brush their teeth) also increases the risk of cavities.
Westchester Weddings (Published by Westchester Magazine)
Issue Date: Fall/Winter 2006, Posted On: 8/28/2006
“You’ll never smile more than on your wedding day,” observes Dr. Ira Handschuh, “so if you’re unhappy with your smile, now is the time to fix it.”
He recommends that at least six months before your wedding, you visit a cosmetic dentist for a thorough consultation.
If you and your dentist conclude that whitening will take your smile to its maximal wattage, Dr. Handschuh advises that you schedule your treatments (depending on your teeth and the method you choose, you may require multiple applications) to conclude about a month before the wedding.
“You want to get to maximum whitening and then let the color die down to a more realistic shade,” he says. Unfortunately, whitening can’t help everyone achieve a perfect smile. “If you have antibiotic-stained teeth, you may want to explore veneers,” says Dr. Handschuh. “Porcelain laminate veneers can also correct misshapen, stained, poorly shaped, or crooked teeth. In just two visits, veneers can make it look like you’ve gone through years of orthodontics.”
The bad news is that veneers don’t come cheap: Dr. Handschuh estimates a cost of $1,500 per tooth.
If veneers are beyond your reach, you might consider bonding, sculpting highly polished, plastic-like material onto the tooth surface, which costs $200 to $600 per tooth.
Painless Approach To Dental Visits
CBS News
Aug 10, 2005
Gum disease affects over 40 million Americans and if you’re putting off treating it because of the pain, you may not have an excuse anymore. The treatment often involves a deep cleaning of the gums, but thanks to a liquid anesthetic called Oraqix, your dentist can numb your gums without any needles involved.
Your dentist uses a syringe to place the liquid around your teeth and gums. It turns into a gel and takes about 30 seconds to numb the area.
The traditional way to provide anesthesia involves a needle injection of novacaine.
Dr. Ira Handschuh, a general and cosmetic dentist in Westchester County, says “I think people who have put off coming because of that are now turning the corner and taking the initiative to do something that can truly save their teeth.”
Most people do complain about the taste of Oraqix and it may irritate sensitive gums. For some, the it may not be enough to mask the pain. But unlike novacaine, the numbness with Oraqix lasts only about 20 minutes, which means you can get on with your day.
It is FDA approved, but so far only for only for deep cleanings for gum disease and only in adults. The company expects approval for it to be used in kids in of 2008.