Categories: General

DENTAL X RAYS- Everyone is concerned about radiation exposure .I am  especially concerned about providing my patients with the best quality,comprehensive care available  while protecting you with the finest  equipment ,state of the art technology and minimizing radiation exposure. Some important facts follow * Many oral diseases cant be detected on a basis of a…

Free Screenings During Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness

Categories: General

The Dental Design Center of White Plains, NY  to Offer Free Screenings During Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week April 12,13,14,15 2010 By: Ira J Handschuh DDS (914) 574-2558 Just because you can’t feel it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.  Ask the more than 35,000 Americans who were diagnosed with cancers of the head…

Some more New Years Thoughts and Reflections

Categories: General

The past year has been a bit like riding a roller coaster.We have gone through some weeks  in both my New York City and White Plains offices of  greater patient activity,and some slower weeks as well. The economic down tern has proven some very important  points about the foundation of my dental practice and about…